Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Tips for my interview at BCG?

Case interviews are a learned skill. Read ‘Case in Point’ by Mark Consentino. Then, find a partner who is also doing consulting interviews and role-play case interviews until you feel like you can have an organic conversation while solving the problems vs. doing a formulaic interview. It will be ...
Consulting Interview
3 answers

Can I expect a normal work-life balance at BCG?

BCG offers unlimited sick and unlimited PTO; however, there is no work life balance for this particular team. The environment is high pace and the workload is consistently excessive with your audits and team projects.
Consulting Work-Life Balance
1 answer

Tips on turning my internship into a full-time offer at The Boston Consulting Group?

Exhibit strong data analytics interest and high attention to detail. Put yourself out there and really get to know the team and their needs so you are thinking about proactive solutions rather than reactive measures.
Consulting Return Offer
1 answer

What can I expect with my training program at BCG?

The training I received at BCG for the Executive Assistant position was by far the best training program I have ever been a part of. I think it lasted about two weeks. Many jobs have you learn on the fly—trial by fire. BCG was the opposite—lots of support and practice before you are expected to d...
Consulting Training
1 answer

Is there a mentorship program for interns at BCG?

There is not a formal mentorship program for interns but when you become a full time worker, you get assigned a principal or project manager as your mentor, who gives you feedback and does your evaluation. However, since you always get to work in a group environment, even as an intern you get a l...
Internship Consulting
1 answer

The Big 3 Consulting companies seem daunting to start off at. Would you recommend kicking off my career there nonetheless?

YES! You experience consulting at its best and you learn a lot in a very short time period. Also in BCG, even though you are a consulting intern, you do exact same job as a full time Associate and they treat you like one too so you don’t feel like an intern actually. For example, even though I wa...
Consulting Post-Graduation
1 answer

How have you seen your peers excel at The Boston Consulting Group?

I’ve seen people succeed at BCG in different ways. Trying to look for patterns, I would say you have to be comfortable with ambiguity, willing to put yourself in uncomfortable positions (e.g., presenting before you’re ready, asking questions that may seem dumb, etc.), able to break problems into ...
1 answer

What does it take to excel as an Expense Auditor at BCG?

Audit skill, high interest in compliance, strong attention to detail, ability to offer 100% quality doing mundane and tedious tasks, ability to successfully facilitate and execute cross functional task over many departments, professional skepticism and audit independence.
Skills Consulting Auditing
1 answer

In what ways is a Research Assistant essential to The Boston Consulting Group?

As a RA at BCG, my main task is to assist associate consultants. A lot of research, combining data, summarizing reports, etc. It is a great career development opportunity as you can utilize your consulting experience for anything (like psychology). Also, you can see how consultants work. They are...
Consulting Research
1 answer